象罗德岛这么大的冰山 正在威胁着一个由企鹅组成的南极岛屿 A massive iceberg, as big as Rhode Island, is threatening a penguin-populated Antarctic island.
象罗德岛这么大的冰山 正向南极岛移动 有大量企鹅的栖息地 An iceberg as large as Rhode Island is moving towards an Antarctic island home to a large penguin population. 科学家正在监测有关情况,以了解对企鹅的潜在影响,尽管确切后果尚不清楚。 Scientists are monitoring the situation to understand potential impacts on the penguins, though exact consequences are unclear. 这些数据来自卫星图像,正在由研究人员进行分析。 The data comes from satellite imagery and is being analyzed by researchers.