智利中部海岸的洪堡企鹅数量大幅减少,繁殖对从 842 对减少到 1 对。 Humboldt penguin populations along Chile's central coast decline significantly, with breeding pairs dropping from 842 to 1.
智利中部海岸的洪堡企鹅数量正在急剧下降,濒临灭绝。 Humboldt penguin populations along Chile's central coast are significantly declining, putting the species at risk of extinction. 在最近的一项调查中,繁殖对的数量从去年的 842 对下降到今年的仅 1 对。 In a recent survey, the number of breeding pairs dropped from 842 last year to just one this year. 威胁包括海洋污染、无人看管的宠物以及筑巢地点的干扰,而厄尔尼诺现象加剧的禽流感已导致鸟类繁殖率接近于零。 Threats include marine pollution, unsupervised pets, and disturbance of nesting sites, while avian flu exacerbated by El Niño has caused near-zero reproduction rates.