加州科学院四年来首次孵化出 10 只非洲企鹅幼崽,用于保护濒危物种。 Ten African penguin chicks hatch at California Academy of Sciences, first in four years, for endangered species conservation.
在短短一年多的时间里,十只非洲企鹅雏鸟在旧金山的加州科学院孵化,这是四年来第一批新雏鸟。 In just over a year, ten African penguin chicks have hatched at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, marking the first new chicks in four years. 这种鸟类原产于南非和纳米比亚,现已濒临灭绝,野外仅存 9,000 对繁殖鸟类。 The bird species, native to South Africa and Namibia, is endangered, with only 9,000 breeding pairs remaining in the wild. 孵化是保护该物种努力的一部分,该物种面临过度捕捞、栖息地退化和石油泄漏等威胁。 The hatching is part of an effort to conserve the species, which faces threats like overfishing, habitat degradation, and oil spills.