由于人口急剧下降,新西兰的黄眼睛企鹅在20年内面临潜在的灭绝。 Yellow-eyed penguins in New Zealand face potential extinction in 20 years due to drastic population decline.
新西兰保护部警告说,黄眼企鹅是世界上最稀有企鹅之一,由于在过去15年中巢巢减少了80%,在20年内可能会面临灭绝。 New Zealand's Department of Conservation warns that the yellow-eyed penguin, one of the world's rarest penguins, could face extinction in two decades due to an 80% decline in nests over the past 15 years. 新西兰大陆和斯图尔特岛只剩下143个已知的巢穴,威胁包括疾病、捕食者、人类扰动、饮食迁移、副渔获物捕捞和海洋掠夺。 With only 143 known nests remaining on mainland New Zealand and Stewart Island, threats include disease, predators, human disturbance, dietary shifts, fisheries bycatch, and marine predation. 目前正在开展保护工作,以保护这些物种并恢复其沿海生境。 Conservation efforts are underway to protect the species and restore their coastal habitats.