总统乔·拜登宣布缅因州遭遇季末暴风雪造成的重大灾难,损失超过 350 万美元。 President Joe Biden declared a major disaster in Maine due to a late-season snowstorm causing over $3.5m in damage.
总统乔·拜登宣布缅因州季末强降雪为重大灾难,并批准拨款援助重建工作。 President Joe Biden has declared a powerful late-season snowstorm in Maine a major disaster, allowing funding to aid rebuilding efforts. 四月份的东北风暴给新英格兰北部带来了 2 英尺厚的积雪,并导致停电和大面积基础设施损坏,造成超过 350 万美元的损失。 The April nor'easter, which caused over $3.5m in damage, brought 2 feet of snow to northern New England and led to power outages and extensive infrastructure damage. 重大灾难声明适用于缅因州南部的约克县和坎伯兰县。 The major disaster declaration applies to York and Cumberland counties in southern Maine.