拜登政府从东北储备区释放100万桶汽油。 One million barrels of gasoline released from Northeast reserve by Biden admin.
拜登政府宣布从东北储备中释放 100 万桶汽油,以缓解夏季驾车季节的燃油价格。 The Biden administration has announced the release of 1 million barrels of gasoline from a Northeast reserve in a bid to ease fuel prices for motorists during the summer driving season. 能源部表示,此次促销是为了在夏季驾驶旺季开始时提供补贴。 The Energy Department said the sale was timed to provide relief as the summer driving season begins. 此前,美国国会已下令关闭这座在超级风暴桑迪之后建立的保护区,从而促成了此次出售。 Congress had earlier mandated that the reserve, which was created in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, be shut down, prompting the sale.