美国环保局因天然气短缺向中西部各州发布紧急豁免令,暂停执行反烟雾规则。 US EPA issues emergency waiver to Midwest states for gas shortages, temporarily suspending anti-smog rules.
美国环保局向四个中西部州(密奇根、威斯康星、印第安纳和伊利诺伊州)颁发了紧急豁免令,以帮助缓解因伊利诺伊州朱利特一家炼油厂关闭而造成的煤气短缺。 The US EPA has issued an emergency waiver to four Midwest states (Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Illinois) to help alleviate gas shortages due to the shutdown of a refinery in Joliet, Illinois. 放弃豁免暂时中止了联邦反烟雾规则,允许销售更易挥发的燃料,这将扩大现有汽油库,降低价格。 The waiver temporarily suspends federal anti-smog rules, allowing the sale of more volatile fuel, which should expand the pool of gasoline available and lower prices. 豁免是应四个州州长的请求提出的,有效期至8月20日。 The waiver is in response to requests from the four states' governors and is valid through August 20.