拜登政府拨款 17 亿美元改造汽车设施,实现清洁生产,目标到 2030 年电动汽车销量达到 50%。 Biden admin awards $1.7bn to revamp auto facilities for clean vehicle production, targeting 50% EV sales by 2030.
拜登政府将拨款 17 亿美元用于改造八个州处于危险之中或关闭的汽车制造工厂,旨在将其转变为清洁汽车制造工厂。 The Biden administration is awarding $1.7 billion to revamp at-risk or closed auto manufacturing facilities across eight states, aiming to convert them for clean vehicle manufacturing. 这笔资金是白宫气候法《通胀削减法案》的一部分,用于支持电动、混合动力、燃料电池和其他清洁汽车的国内生产。 The funding is part of the White House's climate law, the Inflation Reduction Act, and supports domestic production of electric, hybrid, fuel cell, and other clean vehicles. 其目标是到 2030 年,电动汽车占新车销量的 50%。 The aim is to have 50% of new vehicle sales be electric by 2030.