不列颠哥伦比亚省原住民健康局 (FNHA) 正在调查 5 月 13 日发生的一起网络安全事件,该事件影响了员工数据和有限的个人信息,但对临床系统没有影响。 British Columbia's First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is investigating a cybersecurity incident on May 13 affecting employee data and limited personal information, with no impact on clinical systems.
不列颠哥伦比亚省原住民健康管理局(FNHA)正在调查 5 月 13 日其公司网络上发生的网络安全事件,该事件影响了部分员工数据和其他人有限的个人信息,但不影响临床信息系统。 British Columbia's First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is investigating a cybersecurity incident that occurred on its corporate network on May 13, affecting some employee data and limited personal information of others, but not clinical information systems. FNHA 发现其网络上存在异常活动,并聘请第三方网络安全专家进行调查。 The FNHA discovered unusual activity on its network and engaged third-party cybersecurity experts to investigate. 执法部门和不列颠哥伦比亚省信息和隐私专员办公室已收到通知。 Law enforcement and the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of British Columbia have been notified.