5月,不列颠哥伦比亚省第一民族卫生局在网络安全方面遭到破坏,暴露了敏感的个人信息。 In May, the First Nations Health Authority in British Columbia experienced a cybersecurity breach exposing sensitive personal information.
5月,不列颠哥伦比亚省第一民族卫生局受到网络安全破坏,暴露了持有印第安人身份证的个人的敏感个人信息,包括体检结果和保险索赔。 In May, the First Nations Health Authority in British Columbia suffered a cybersecurity breach that exposed sensitive personal information, including medical test results and insurance claims, of individuals with a Certificate of Indian Status card. 受影响的数据包括姓名、地址和健康数字。 Affected data included names, addresses, and health numbers. 卫生部门发现了正在进行的违规行为, 限制了其影响, 并为受影响者提供为期两年的信用监控订阅. The health authority detected the breach in progress, limiting its impact, and is offering a two-year credit monitoring subscription to those affected.