新西兰能力培训组织经历了网络袭击,导致个人信息数据被盗。 Competenz NZ training org experienced cyber attack, leading to data theft of personal info.
2024年6月,新西兰的培训机构Competenz遭受网络攻击,导致未经授权的访问和数据盗窃,包括过去和现在的学习者,雇主,评估员,员工和商业伙伴的个人信息. In June 2024, training organization Competenz in NZ suffered a cyber attack leading to unauthorized access and data theft, including personal information of past and present learners, employers, assessors, staff, and business partners. 本组织孤立了受影响的系统、知情的利益攸关方,现在加强了网络安全复原力。 The organization isolated affected systems, informed stakeholders, and now enhances cybersecurity resilience. 建议受影响的个人保护个人细节,报告可疑活动,同时有权向主管人或隐私专员投诉。 Affected individuals are advised to safeguard personal details and report suspicious activities, while having the right to complain to Competenz or the Privacy Commissioner.