不列颠哥伦比亚省政府与联邦政府合作, 在5月网络攻击后加强网络安全。 British Columbia government partners with federal government to enhance cybersecurity after a May cyberattack.
不列颠哥伦比亚省政府正与联邦政府合作加强网络安全, The British Columbia government is partnering with the federal government to enhance cybersecurity following a sophisticated cyberattack in May, attributed to state-sponsored actors. 新协定允许获得网络防御服务,提高了该省防范威胁的能力。 The new agreement grants access to cyber defense services, improving the province's capacity to defend against threats. 此外,公民服务部正在执行更好的安全措施,并有报道称每天有15亿次未经许可进入的企图。 Additionally, the Ministry of Citizens' Services is implementing better security measures and reports facing 1.5 billion unauthorized access attempts daily.