悉尼港伯肯黑德码头一艘船起火;消防员在一小时内控制住了火势,没有人员受伤。 Boat catches fire at Birkenhead Marina in Sydney Harbour; firefighters control blaze within an hour, no injuries reported.
悉尼港伯肯黑德码头一艘船起火。 A boat catches fire at Birkenhead Marina in Sydney Harbour. 消防员花了一个小时的时间才控制住火势,并使用新南威尔士州警察船上的水泵来抑制火焰。 Firefighters took an hour to control the blaze, using a water pump from an NSW Police boat to dampen the flames. 该游艇被拖至伯肯黑德角,没有人员受伤。 The motor yacht was towed to Birkenhead Point, and no injuries were reported. 专家小组正在调查火灾原因,一名男子在协助灭火工作时吸入少量烟雾。 Specialist teams are investigating the cause of the fire, with one man suffering minor smoke inhalation while assisting in the extinguishing efforts.