巴尔的摩的坎顿码头有多艘船起火,其中一艘沉没,消防人员赶到灭火。 Multiple boats caught fire and one sank at a Canton marina in Baltimore, with fire crews arriving to battle the blaze.
周三早上,巴尔的摩的一个坎顿码头多艘船只起火。 On Wednesday morning, multiple boats caught fire at a Canton marina in Baltimore. 上午9点左右起火,巴尔的摩市消防局人员赶到现场灭火。 Flames broke out around 9 a.m., and crews from the Baltimore City Fire Department arrived at the scene to battle the fire. 其中一艘燃烧的船因损坏和进水而沉没,而另一艘船则完全被烧毁,但仍漂浮在水面上。 One of the burning boats sank due to the damage and water, while another boat was completely burned but remained afloat. 消防人员在扑灭大火方面取得了重大进展,这是一个正在发展的故事,更多细节将在获得后添加。 Fire crews made significant progress in extinguishing the fire, and this is a developing story with more details to be added as they become available.