吉格港的Bujacich Dock发生火灾,损坏两艘船只,但没有造成人员伤亡,原因正在调查中。 A fire at Bujacich Dock in Gig Harbor damaged two boats but caused no injuries; cause under investigation.
周六清晨在吉格港的Bujacich码头发生火灾,损坏两艘船只。 A fire broke out at Bujacich Dock in Gig Harbor early Saturday morning, damaging two boats. 消防员和海岸警卫队,包括 " Endeavor " 号消防艇,努力遏制火灾,防止火灾蔓延到附近的商船。 Firefighters and the Coast Guard, including the fireboat Endeavor, worked to contain the flames and prevent them from spreading to nearby commercial boats. 没有报告有人受伤,但住在受影响船上的一人流离失所。 No injuries were reported, but one person living on the affected boat was displaced. 火灾原因正在调查中 初步报告表明 火灾可能是柴油炉引发的 The fire's cause is under investigation, with initial reports suggesting it may have been sparked by a diesel furnace. 华盛顿州生态局正在处理环境问题。 Environmental concerns are being addressed by the Washington State Department of Ecology.