低收入消费者面临高通胀和高利率的困扰,这可能会影响经济的复苏能力。 Lower-income consumers struggle with high inflation and interest rates, potentially affecting economy resilience.
在看似健康的经济环境中,低收入消费者却因高通胀和高利率而陷入困境。 Amidst a seemingly healthy economy, lower-income spenders are struggling due to high inflation and higher interest rates. 由于美国家庭的强劲支出一直是阻止经济衰退的主要因素,因此低收入消费者所承受的压力可能是经济面临的第一个危机。 This strain on lower-income consumers could be the first crack in the economy as resilient spending by U.S. households has been a major factor preventing a recession. 百事可乐和卡夫亨氏等消费品巨头报告称,他们的低收入客户正感受到成本上涨和信用卡支付费用上涨的影响。 Consumer goods giants such as PepsiCo and Kraft Heinz report that their lower-income customers are feeling the impact of rising costs and more expensive credit-card payments.