加州州长加文·纽瑟姆宣布阵亡将士纪念日之前大苏尔 1 号高速公路部分恢复通车,联邦政府将拨款 1 亿美元用于维修。 California Governor Gavin Newsom announces partial reopening of Highway 1 in Big Sur by Memorial Day, with $100m in federal funding for repairs.
加州州长加文·纽瑟姆宣布,3 月份塌陷的 1 号高速公路大苏尔段预计将于阵亡将士纪念日周末前恢复通行。 California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that a portion of Highway 1 in Big Sur, which collapsed in March, is scheduled to reopen by Memorial Day weekend. 紧急公告将提供 1 亿美元联邦政府资金,用于修复近期受风暴影响的 1 号高速公路和其他 18 条加州公路。 An emergency proclamation will provide $100m in federal funding for repairs to Highway 1 and 18 other California roadways impacted by recent storms. 该州的目标是安全、快速地完成修复工作,以帮助恢复风暴破坏。 The state aims to complete repairs safely and quickly to aid recovery from storm damage.