波特兰警方正在调查泰特街发生的枪击事件。 Portland police investigate a shooting incident on Tate Street.
波特兰警方正在调查周日下午 6 点 40 分发生在西区泰特街的枪击事件。 Portland police are investigating a shooting incident on Tate Street in the West End area on Sunday at 6:40 PM. 警方发现多处枪声,对两名嫌疑人进行了讯问,并对一所住宅进行了搜查。 Multiple gunshots were found, two people of interest questioned, and a home searched. 尚未有人被捕。 No arrests have been made yet. 要求居民检查他们的汽车和房屋是否有枪伤,任何了解情况的人可以联系波特兰警察局,电话是 (207) 874-8575。 Residents are asked to check their cars and homes for possible bullet damage, and anyone with information can contact the Portland Police Department at (207) 874-8575.