丽莎·钱伯斯 (Lisa Chambers) 敦促驱逐在爱尔兰犯罪的寻求庇护者/难民。 Lisa Chambers urges deportation of asylum seekers/refugees committing crimes in Ireland.
爱尔兰共和党参议员丽莎·钱伯斯 (Lisa Chambers) 呼吁将在爱尔兰寻求庇护者和获得难民身份但犯下罪行的人驱逐出境。 Fianna Fáil Senator Lisa Chambers has called for asylum seekers and those granted refugee status in Ireland who commit crimes to be deported. 她表示,“没有什么可以阻止我们”驱逐在该州犯罪的个人。 She stated there is "nothing stopping us" from deporting individuals who commit crimes in the state. 此前,爱尔兰共和党发布了一份关于移民问题的内部文件,建议将在等待国际保护申请结果期间犯下严重罪行的寻求庇护者立即驱逐出境。 This follows an internal Fianna Fáil document on immigration recommending asylum seekers who commit serious crimes while awaiting decisions on their international protection applications be deported immediately.