2008-2016 台湾前总统马英九计划下个月与一群学生第二次访华。 2008-2016 Taiwan ex-president Ma Ying-jeou plans a second visit to China next month with a group of students.
台湾前总统马英九计划下个月第二次访华,率学生团对北京、广东、陕西进行为期11天的访问。 Former Taiwan president Ma Ying-jeou plans a second trip to China next month, leading a group of students for an 11-day visit to Beijing, Guangdong, and Shaanxi. 马英九于2008年至2016年任职,去年成为第一位访问中国的前台湾领导人。 Ma, who served from 2008-2016, became the first ex-Taiwanese leader to visit China last year. 自1949年中华民国政府逃亡台湾以来,没有任何现任台湾领导人访问过中国。 Since the Republic of China government fled to Taiwan in 1949, no serving Taiwanese leader has visited China. 中国声称台湾是自己的领土,并加大了军事和政治压力来维护其主张。 China claims Taiwan as its own territory and has increased military and political pressure to assert its claims.