2020 年 3 月至 2021 年 3 月,诺丁汉 NHS 花费了 1270 万英镑用于与酒精相关的住院治疗。 Nottingham's NHS spent £12.7m on alcohol-related hospital admissions from March 2020 to March 2021.
据英国酒精变革组织报道,2020 年 3 月至 2021 年 3 月,诺丁汉 NHS 花费了 1,270 万英镑用于与酒精相关的住院治疗,共有 5,214 例病例。 Alcohol Change UK reports that Nottingham's NHS spent £12.7m on alcohol-related hospital admissions from March 2020 to March 2021, with 5,214 cases. 该慈善机构注意到受酒精伤害影响的人数不断增加,呼吁建立更多的酒精护理团队和预防措施。 The charity calls for more alcohol care teams and preventative measures, noting the rising number of people affected by alcohol harm. 该地区的人均成本为 48 英镑,略低于全国平均水平 49 英镑。 The cost per capita in the area was £48, slightly below the national average of £49.