截至 2021 年 3 月的一年里,达德利因酒精相关诊断住院的费用为 1,320 万英镑,共有 5,648 例病例。 Hospital admissions with alcohol-related diagnoses in Dudley cost NHS £13.2m in the year to March 2021, with 5,648 cases.
英国酒精变革组织 (Alcohol Change UK) 表示,截至 2021 年 3 月,达德利因酒精相关诊断而入院的 NHS 费用为 1,320 万英镑。 Alcohol Change UK states that hospital admissions with alcohol-related diagnoses in Dudley cost NHS £13.2m in the year to March 2021. 在此期间,此类案件共有 5,648 起。 There were 5,648 such cases during this period. 随着英国受酒精危害影响的人数不断增加,英国酒精变革组织首席执行官理查德·派博 (Richard Piper) 博士呼吁各医院建立更多的酒精护理团队并采取进一步的预防措施。 Dr. Richard Piper, CEO of Alcohol Change UK, calls for more alcohol care teams across hospitals and further preventative measures, as the number of people affected by alcohol harm rises in the UK.