10年来,新南威尔士与酒精有关的医院就诊人数猛增20%,2022/23年有6 671例。 Alcohol-related hospital visits in New South Wales spiked 20% over a decade, with 6,671 cases in 2022/23.
过去十年来,新南威尔士州亨特新英格兰区的酗酒住院病例增加了20%,2022/23年达到6 671例。 Alcohol-related hospitalizations in the Hunter New England district of New South Wales have increased by 20% over the last decade, reaching 6,671 cases in 2022/23. 在此类住院治疗方面,该地区在新南威尔士位居第二,人均位居第5位。 The area ranks second in NSW for such hospitalizations and fifth per capita. 每年约有300人死亡是由于酗酒造成的。 About 300 annual deaths are attributed to alcohol abuse. 澳大利亚酒精和其他药物理事会首席执行官Melanie Walker警告说,热天气会加剧与酒精有关的问题,并敦促饮用水保持水分。 The Australian Alcohol and Other Drugs Council CEO, Melanie Walker, warns that hot weather worsens alcohol-related issues and urges drinking water to stay hydrated. 该区三分之一的成年人超过了饮酒准则,澳大利亚酒精改变组织呼吁对酒精制品发出健康警告。 A third of adults in the district exceed drinking guidelines, and Alcohol Change Australia calls for health warnings on alcohol products.