世界银行核准257 800万美元,用于改善黎巴嫩山贝鲁特1.8M区的供水。 World Bank approves $257.8M to enhance water supply for 1.8M in Beirut, Mount Lebanon.
世界银行已批准了一个2.578亿美元的一揽子计划,以改善贝鲁特和黎巴嫩山的供水,旨在覆盖180万人。 The World Bank has approved a $257.8 million package to improve water supply in Beirut and Mount Lebanon, aiming to cover 1.8 million people. 该项目将提高地表水供应,以满足70%的旱季需求,高于24%,并减少对昂贵私人水源的依赖。 The project will boost surface water supply to meet 70% of dry-season demand, up from 24%, and reduce reliance on expensive private water sources. 它还包括修复因冲突而损坏的基础设施。 It also includes repairing infrastructure damaged by conflict. 由于季节性降雨和储存不足,黎巴嫩面临缺水问题,气候变化预计将加剧这些问题。 Lebanon faces water shortages due to seasonal rainfall and insufficient storage, with climate change expected to worsen these issues.