加拿大为多伦多原住民主导的项目拨款 210 万美元,以减少原住民在司法系统中的比例过高。 Canada allocates $2.1M for Indigenous-led projects in Toronto to reduce Indigenous overrepresentation in justice system.
加拿大联邦政府已拨款 210 万加元用于多伦多原住民主导的项目,以减少原住民在司法系统中的比例过高。 The federal government in Canada has allocated $2.1 million for Indigenous-led projects in Toronto to reduce the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the justice system. 原住民仅占成年人口的 5%,但占加拿大被监禁人口的 32%。 Indigenous people make up 32% of Canada's incarcerated population despite only accounting for 5% of the adult population. 该资金是一项 4,930 万美元倡议的一部分,旨在改善原住民诉诸司法的机会。 The funding is part of a $49.3 million initiative to improve access to justice for Indigenous populations.