澳大利亚参议院强调青年司法系统的失败,以高昂的代价代表土著儿童过多。 Australian Senate highlights failures in youth justice system, overrepresenting Indigenous children at high costs.
澳大利亚参议院的一项调查强调了青年司法系统的失败,在青年司法系统中,土著儿童人数过多,往往与其家庭和文化分离,导致健康和发展成果不佳。 A Senate inquiry in Australia highlights failures in the youth justice system, where Indigenous children are overrepresented and often separated from their families and culture, leading to negative health and development outcomes. 该制度被批评为惩罚性制度,全国开支达15亿美元,监禁儿童的费用每天为3 320美元。 The system is criticized as punitive, with spending reaching $1.5 billion nationally, costing $3,320 per day to imprison a child. 批评者主张为家庭提供更多支持,以防止青年进入司法系统。 Critics argue for more support for families to prevent youth from entering the justice system.