加拿大资助不列颠哥伦比亚由土著主导的方案,通过愈合将土著个人从司法系统转移出去。 Canada funds Indigenous-led program in BC to divert Indigenous individuals from the justice system through healing.
不列颠哥伦比亚第一民族司法理事会从加拿大公共安全局获得五年资金,在不列颠哥伦比亚的乔治王子省启动收费前转用方案。 The BC First Nations Justice Council received five years of funding from Public Safety Canada to launch a pre-charge diversion program in Prince George, BC. 该方案旨在将土著个人从司法系统转移出去,并通过传统方法和社会工作提供愈合和支持。 This program aims to divert Indigenous individuals from the justice system and provide healing and support through traditional methods and social work. 它力求解决心理健康和吸毒成瘾等问题,促进具有文化敏感性的预防犯罪和打破再犯罪的循环。 It seeks to address issues like mental health and addiction, promoting culturally sensitive crime prevention and breaking cycles of reoffending.