世界银行报告强调了坦桑尼亚在降低婴儿和儿童死亡率方面取得的进展,但警告称,高生育率将带来人口增长挑战。 World Bank report highlights Tanzania's progress in reducing infant and child mortality, but warns of population growth challenges due to high fertility rates.
世界银行报告强调了坦桑尼亚在降低婴儿和儿童死亡率方面取得的进展,但强调需要加快努力降低生育率。 World Bank report highlights Tanzania's progress in reducing infant and child mortality but underscores the need for accelerated efforts to decrease fertility rates. 坦桑尼亚人口增长率为3%,预计23年内翻一番,对社会服务和经济增长构成挑战。 With a population growth rate of 3%, Tanzania's population is set to double in 23 years, posing challenges for social services and economic growth. 报告建议采取扩大中等教育、扩大计划生育服务、促进妇女经济赋权等措施来释放人口红利。 The report suggests measures like expanding secondary education, scaling up family planning services, and promoting women's economic empowerment to unlock the demographic dividend.