全球有20亿妇女和女孩缺乏社会保护,包括现金福利、保健和产妇支助。 2 billion women and girls globally lack social protection, including cash benefits, healthcare, and maternity support.
妇女署的一份报告显示,全球有20亿妇女和女孩无法获得社会保护,包括现金福利、保健和产妇支助。 A UN Women report reveals that 2 billion women and girls globally lack access to social protection, including cash benefits, healthcare, and maternity support. 这种差距使他们更容易陷入贫穷,63%以上的产妇生育时没有产妇津贴——在撒哈拉以南非洲为94%。 This disparity leaves them more vulnerable to poverty, with over 63% giving birth without maternity benefits—94% in sub-Saharan Africa. 报告强调指出,处于脆弱境况的妇女生活在赤贫中的可能性比她们高7.7倍,并呼吁各国政府优先采取促进两性平等的社会保护措施。 The report highlights that women in fragile contexts are 7.7 times more likely to live in extreme poverty and calls for governments to prioritize gender-responsive social protection measures.