万能卡基金会报告建议,到2030年,解决非洲青年妇女参与劳动力队伍的障碍,可能给经济增加287B美元。 Mastercard Foundation report suggests addressing barriers for young African women's workforce participation could add $287B to economy by 2030.
总卡基金会的一份报告指出,到2030年,解决妨碍非洲年轻妇女加入劳动力队伍的系统性障碍,可使经济增加2 870亿美元,使国内生产总值增加5%。 A Mastercard Foundation report indicates that addressing systemic barriers to young women's workforce participation in Africa could add $287 billion to the economy by 2030, boosting GDP by 5%. 需要改进的关键领域包括减轻护理负担、加强教育和增加获得金融服务的机会。 Key areas for improvement include reducing care burdens, enhancing education, and increasing access to financial services. 报告主张扩大儿童保育,强调纳米比亚是一个成功模式。 The report advocates for childcare expansion and highlights Namibia as a successful model. 委员会还注意到,信息和通信技术部门可大大提高妇女的生产力。 It also notes that the ICT sector could significantly enhance productivity for women.