自1994年以来,巴基斯坦的生育率已经减少了一半,在2024年下降到每名妇女生育3.6个子女。 Pakistan's fertility rate has halved since 1994, dropping to 3.6 births per woman in 2024.
根据《联合国世界生育率报告》,巴基斯坦的生育率大幅下降,从1994年的每名妇女生育6胎降至2024年的3.6胎。 Pakistan's fertility rate has dropped significantly from 6 births per woman in 1994 to 3.6 in 2024, according to the United Nations' World Fertility Report. 这一下降是全球趋势的一部分,全世界生育率从1970年每名妇女平均生育4.8例下降到2024年的2.2例。 This decline is part of a global trend, with worldwide fertility rates falling from an average of 4.8 births per woman in 1970 to 2.2 in 2024. 报告建议,通过改善法律和获得生殖保健服务,降低青少年出生率,可带来重大的社会经济效益。 The report suggests that reducing adolescent birth rates through better laws and access to reproductive health care could bring substantial socioeconomic benefits.