Z 世代表达了对心理健康、未来和政治的担忧,在经济困难和美国梦衰落的情况下重新构想教育和职业。 Gen Z expresses concerns about mental health, futures, and politics, reimagining education and careers amid financial struggles and the American dream's decline.
两项全国民意调查显示,在经济困难和美国梦破灭的背景下成长起来的 Z 世代正在重新构想教育和职业。 Gen Z, growing up amid financial struggles and the American dream's decline, is reimagining education and careers, according to two national polls. 尽管他们历来都很乐观,但他们仍然担心自己和同龄人的心理健康、未来和国家的政治环境。 Despite being historically optimistic, they are concerned about their and peers' mental health, futures, and the nation's political environment. 研究人员阿曼达·伦哈特 (Amanda Lenhart) 表示,他们“有点受够了”,希望人们关注。 Researcher Amanda Lenhart says they're "kind of fed up" and want people to pay attention.