多伦多公交车站发生的两起枪击事件再次引发了简和芬奇社区的犯罪和帮派担忧。 Two shootings at a Toronto bus stop revive crime and gang concerns in Jane and Finch neighborhood.
多伦多简芬奇社区的一个公交车站发生的两起枪击事件再次引发了人们对犯罪和帮派影响的担忧,尽管该地区在解决其不良声誉方面取得了进展。 Two shootings at a bus stop in Toronto's Jane and Finch neighborhood have reignited fears of crime and gang influence, despite the area's progress in addressing its troubled reputation. 去年,警方报告称,多伦多西北部地区的枪支暴力事件处于十年来的最低点。 Last year, police reported gun violence in the northwest Toronto area to be at a 10-year low. 社区工作人员和专家表示担心,最近发生的事件可能会抵消该社区取得的进展。 Community workers and experts have expressed concern that the recent incidents may undo the progress made in the neighborhood.