不列颠哥伦比亚省邓肯一半以上的居民由于心理健康和吸毒成瘾等社会问题而感到不安全。 Over half of Duncan, British Columbia, residents feel unsafe due to social issues like mental health and addiction.
最近在不列颠哥伦比亚省邓肯进行的一项调查涉及比佛利街和男孩路之间的高速公路走廊沿线的近400名居民和企业,调查发现50%以上的受访者在该地区并不始终感到安全。 A recent survey in Duncan, British Columbia, involving nearly 400 residents and businesses along the highway corridor between Beverly Street and Boys Road, found that over 50% of respondents do not consistently feel safe in the area. 该区域面临重大社会挑战,包括心理健康和吸毒成瘾问题,致使社区普遍感到不安全感。 The region faces significant social challenges, including mental health and addiction issues, contributing to a general sense of insecurity among the community.