加拿大的保释制度危机进一步恶化,审前羁押人数在 40 年内翻了两番,法庭审理也出现严重延误。 Canada's bail system crisis worsens, with pre-trial custody quadrupling in 40 years and significant court delays.
一份新报告显示,加拿大的保释制度危机在过去十年中不断恶化,越来越多的人被审前拘留,有些人在被释放前被拘留了数周。 A new report reveals that Canada's bail system crisis has worsened over the last decade, with more individuals in pre-trial custody and some spending weeks in detention before being released. 这场危机引发了重大改革呼声,因为过去 40 年来,审前羁押人数翻了两番。 The crisis has led to major reform calls, as the number of people in pre-trial custody has quadrupled in the last 40 years. 法院系统持续面临的压力导致保释程序严重延误,保释法庭的大多数案件都被推迟。 The ongoing strain on the court system causes significant delays in the bail process, with most cases in bail court being adjourned.