加拿大最高法院下令对魁北克省与毒品相关的逮捕进行新的审判,维持上诉法院的裁决。 Supreme Court of Canada orders new trials for drug-related arrests in Quebec, upholding Court of Appeal's decision.
八年前,一名法官不当撤销了对魁北克省因毒品相关犯罪被捕的个人的指控,加拿大最高法院下令对这些人进行新的审判。 The Supreme Court of Canada has ordered new trials for individuals arrested for drug-related offences in Quebec, after a judge improperly stayed charges against them eight years ago. 逮捕行动涉及二十多人,被告被分成四组分别接受听证。 The arrests involved more than two dozen people, with the accused divided into four groups for separate hearings. 上诉法院此前已撤销初步判决,并下令进行新的审判,包括就中止动议举行新的听证会。 The Court of Appeal had previously set aside the initial judgments and ordered a new trial, including a fresh hearing on the motion for a stay. 最高法院的裁决维持了上诉法院的裁决。 The Supreme Court's ruling upholds the Court of Appeal's decision.