艾伯塔省加拿大囚犯人均人均支出最低,为193美元/日,引起对工作人员和支助不足的关切。 Alberta has the lowest per capita spending on inmates in Canada at $193/day, raising concerns about inadequate staff and support.
加拿大统计局报告说,艾伯塔省囚犯人均支出在加拿大最低,为每天193美元,远远低于其他省份平均300美元。 Statistics Canada reports that Alberta has the lowest per capita spending on inmates in Canada, at $193 per day, well below the $300 average in other provinces. 批评者,包括前监察人员霍华德·萨珀斯警告说,这种低投资可能导致管教人员和囚犯支助不足。 Critics, including former watchdog Howard Sapers, warn that this low investment may result in inadequate correctional staff and inmate support. 它们主张增加对预防犯罪和重返社会方案的供资,以减少累犯现象,改善公共安全。 They advocate for increased funding in crime prevention and reintegration programs to reduce recidivism and improve public safety.