两名美国参议员要求拜登总统对来自中国的免税包裹采取行政行动,原因是存在不公平竞争。 Two US senators request President Biden to take executive action against duty-free packages from China due to unfair competition.
两名美国参议员敦促拜登总统对来自中国的免税包裹涌入采取行政行动,声称国内制造商无法与低成本的中国竞争对手竞争。 Two US senators have urged President Biden to take executive action against the influx of duty-free packages from China, claiming that domestic manufacturers cannot compete with low-cost Chinese competitors. 参议员们认为,800 美元的最低门槛让 Shein 和 Temu 等中国公司从强迫劳动和国家补贴中获得不公平的利益,从而威胁到美国的制造业和零售业。 The senators argue that the $800 de minimis threshold allows Chinese companies like Shein and Temu to unfairly benefit from forced labor and state subsidies, threatening US manufacturing and retail sectors.