拉脱维亚议会通过了对俄罗斯和白俄罗斯农产品的禁令。 Latvia's parliament adopts a ban on Russian and Belarusian agricultural products.
拉脱维亚议会通过了禁止进口俄罗斯和白俄罗斯农产品的禁令,使其成为第一个实行此类禁令的欧盟国家。 Latvia's parliament has adopted a ban on imports of Russian and Belarusian agricultural products, making it the first EU country to introduce such a prohibition. 在此之前,拉脱维亚强烈批评俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,并试图在欧盟层面推动禁止俄罗斯谷物进口,但以失败告终。 The move follows Latvia's strong criticism of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and comes after the country's failed attempts to push for a ban of Russian grain imports at the EU level. 2023年,拉脱维亚进口了价值2.8亿欧元(3.04亿美元)的俄罗斯农产品,成为欧盟第二大进口国。 In 2023, Latvia imported €280 million ($304 million) worth of Russian agricultural products, making it the second-largest importer in the EU. 该禁令不会影响粮食转运到其他市场。 The ban will not impact the transit of grain onward to other markets.