哈萨克斯坦禁止欧洲经货联盟以外的土豆出口六个月,以遏制国内价格上涨。 Kazakhstan bans potato exports outside the EAEU for six months to curb domestic price hikes.
哈萨克斯坦已对向欧亚经济联盟以外的国家出口土豆实行六个月的禁令,以稳定国内价格。 Kazakhstan has imposed a six-month ban on potato exports to countries outside the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) to stabilize domestic prices. 这一行动旨在防止由于邻国高需求导致出口猛增1.5倍而导致价格上涨。 This move aims to prevent price hikes caused by a 1.5 times surge in exports due to high demand from neighboring countries. 禁令不影响欧亚经货联盟内部的贸易,哈萨克斯坦目前的马铃薯储量在下个收获季节之前就足够了。 The ban does not affect trade within the EAEU, and current potato reserves in Kazakhstan are sufficient until the next harvest.