英国退出《能源宪章条约》,加入九个欧盟成员国的行列,以防止化石燃料公司就气候政策提起诉讼。 The UK withdrew from the Energy Charter Treaty, joining nine EU member states, to prevent fossil fuel companies from suing over climate policies.
英国退出了一项允许化石燃料公司就气候政策起诉政府的国际条约,加入了法国、西班牙和荷兰等九个欧盟成员国的行列。 The UK has withdrawn from an international treaty that allows fossil fuel companies to sue governments over climate policies, joining nine EU member states including France, Spain and the Netherlands. 1994 年签署的《能源宪章条约》旨在保护化石燃料投资并鼓励后苏联国家的发展,但已被化石燃料公司用来挑战威胁其项目的气候政策。 The Energy Charter Treaty, signed in 1994, was designed to protect fossil fuel investments and encourage development in post-Soviet countries, but has been used by fossil fuel companies to challenge climate policies that threaten their projects. 英国表示,继续加入可能会“惩罚”其实现净零排放的努力,但专家警告称,其决定可能会阻碍投资。 The UK has said continued membership could "penalise" its push to net zero, but experts warn its decision could hamper investment.