联合王国官员在工作和环境辩论中寻求对北海石油的持续支持。 UK officials seek continued support for North Sea oil, amid job and environmental debates.
联合王国官员呼吁政府继续支持北海油气生产, 强调需要均衡过渡, UK officials are calling for continued government backing of North Sea oil and gas production, stressing the need for a balanced transition that supports jobs and industry expertise. 商界领袖也赞同这一点,敦促给予充分支持,避免进口高碳燃料。 Business leaders echo this, urging full support to avoid importing higher-carbon fuels. 然而,环境团体反对依赖不断减少的化石燃料,而主张向较清洁的能源过渡。 However, environmental groups argue against relying on dwindling fossil fuels, advocating instead for a transition to cleaner energy sources. 苏格兰政府因反对新牌照而受到批评, 迫于压力, 要求重新考虑其立场。 The Scottish government, criticized for opposing new licenses, is under pressure to reconsider its stance.