伊朗博鲁延县主要天然气管道发生爆炸和火灾。 Explosion and fire on Iran's main gas pipeline in Borujen County.
位于查哈马哈勒省和巴赫蒂亚里省博鲁延县的伊朗天然气管道主线发生爆炸并随后发生火灾。 An explosion and subsequent fire occurred at the main line of Iran's gas pipeline in Borujen County, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province. 目前没有人员伤亡的报道,但从博鲁延向伊朗其他地区的天然气供应已暂停。 No casualties were reported, but the gas supply from Borujen to other regions of Iran was suspended. 火势将持续下去,直到管道中剩余的气体完全燃尽为止。 The fire will continue until the remaining volume of gas in the pipeline is completely burned out. 救援和消防队正在现场开展工作。 Rescue and fire brigades are working at the scene.