在爱尔兰秃鹫中发现了H5N1禽流感;发布了关于家禽所有者的严格新规则。 H5N1 avian flu found in Irish buzzard; strict new rules for poultry owners issued.
在爱尔兰Galway的一只秃鹫中检测到一例H5N1禽流感,促使为家禽和捕食鸟类所有者制订了新的生物安全条例。 A case of H5N1 avian influenza was detected in a buzzard in Galway, Ireland, prompting new biosecurity regulations for poultry and captive bird owners. 由于冬季迁移,以及病毒在寒冷的温度下更好地生存,爱尔兰家禽面临的风险增加了。 The risk to Irish poultry has increased due to winter migration and the virus's better survival in cold temperatures. 促请所有者执行严格的生物安保措施,并报告任何疾病迹象。 Owners are urged to implement strict biosecurity measures and report any disease signs. 建议公众不要处理生病或死亡的野生鸟类。 The public is advised not to handle sick or dead wild birds.