ADT 的安全专家建议不要触摸被盗物品,拨打 101 举报,并与国家警察局长委员会合作,解决英格兰和威尔士未解决的入室盗窃案。 Security experts at ADT advise against touching burglarized items, call 101 to report, and cooperate with National Police Chiefs' Council for unsolved home burglaries in England and Wales.
未侦破的入室盗窃案数量不断增加,尤其是在英格兰和威尔士,这促使 ADT 的安全专家向房主提供建议,建议他们在成为目标时采取适当的应对措施。 Increasing rates of unsolved burglaries, particularly in England and Wales, have prompted security experts at ADT to advise homeowners on the appropriate response should they become a target. 其中最重要的建议是,在警察到达之前避免触摸或移动房屋内的任何物品,拨打 101 举报,并与国家警察局长委员会合作,该委员会已承诺处理所有入室盗窃案。 Among the most critical suggestions is to avoid touching or moving anything inside the property before police arrival, to file a report by calling 101, and to cooperate with the National Police Chiefs' Council, which has pledged to attend all home burglaries.