一名新罕布什尔州男子承认参与阴谋破坏房屋并因不当性行为报告威胁记者,将面临最高五年的监禁。 A New Hampshire man pleaded guilty to participating in a plot to vandalize homes and threaten journalists over a sexual misconduct report, facing up to five years in prison.
来自新罕布什尔州的第二名男子已承认联邦指控,他被指控参与破坏房屋的阴谋,并威胁新罕布什尔州公共广播电台的记者,以报复一篇详细描述针对一名著名商人的性行为不端指控的报道。 A second man from New Hampshire has pleaded guilty to federal charges after being accused of participating in a plot to vandalize homes and threaten journalists from New Hampshire Public Radio in retaliation for a report detailing sexual misconduct allegations against a prominent businessman. 迈克尔·瓦塞尔查克 (Michael Waselchuck) 被指控向记者劳伦·乔尔吉安 (Lauren Cooljian) 家的窗户扔了一块砖头,并在窗户上喷上了“只是开始!”的字样。 Michael Waselchuck was accused of throwing a brick through a window at journalist Lauren Chooljian's home and spray-painting the words "JUST THE BEGINNING!" 在她的前门上。 on her front door. 5 月 10 日被判刑时,他因串谋通过州际旅行进行跟踪和利用州际商业设施进行跟踪而面临最高五年的监禁。 He faces up to five years in prison on the conspiracy to commit stalking through interstate travel and the use of a facility of interstate commerce charges when he is sentenced on May 10.