加州男子承认威胁对犹太教堂进行大规模枪击。 California man pleads guilty to threatening mass shooting of synagogues.
一名加利福尼亚州男子因参加为期 14 个月的跟踪活动而承认联邦指控,他在活动中威胁受害者、威胁要射杀犹太教堂,并表达反犹太主义和种族主义观点。 A California man has pleaded guilty to a federal charge of stalking for engaging in a 14-month campaign where he threatened a victim, threatened to shoot synagogues, and expressed anti-Semitic and racist views. 安德烈·莫罗·拉克纳向受害者发送了一系列辱骂短信,包括反犹太言论和针对亚裔美国人的种族主义言论。 Andre Morrow Lackner sent a series of abusive text messages to the victim, including anti-Semitic remarks and racist statements against Asian Americans. 司法部表示,受害者因拉克纳的行为而感到受到伤害和死亡。 The Department of Justice stated that the victim experienced fear of harm and death due to Lackner's actions. 在定于 6 月 3 日举行的量刑听证会上,拉克纳面临联邦监狱法定最高五年徒刑。 Lackner faces a statutory maximum sentence of five years in federal prison at a sentencing hearing scheduled for June 3.