新罕布什尔州男子埃里克·拉巴奇 (Eric Labarge) 承认因一份性行为不端报道而骚扰和跟踪 NHPR 记者,并密谋破坏他们的家园。 New Hampshire man Eric Labarge pleads guilty to harassing and stalking NHPR journalists in a conspiracy to vandalize their homes over a sexual misconduct report.
一名新罕布什尔州男子埃里克·拉巴奇 (Eric Labarge) 承认犯有共谋罪,骚扰并跟踪两名新罕布什尔公共广播电台记者。 A New Hampshire man, Eric Labarge, has pleaded guilty to harassing and stalking two New Hampshire Public Radio journalists as part of a conspiracy. 拉巴吉与其他三人一起策划了一项破坏记者住所的计划,以报复一篇详述针对一位知名商人性行为不端指控的报道。 Labarge, along with three others, was involved in a plot to vandalize the homes of the journalists in retaliation for a report detailing sexual misconduct allegations against a prominent businessman. 拉巴吉将于 10 月 18 日接受宣判,每项指控都将面临最高五年的监禁。 Labarge faces up to five years in prison on each charge when he is sentenced on October 18th.