来自北卡罗来纳州的 22 岁乔纳·朱厄尔 (Jonah Jewell) 被指控在约克企图谋杀两人,如果罪名成立,他将面临最高 176 年的监禁。 22-year-old Jonah Jewell, from North Carolina, is accused of attempting to murder two people in York, facing up to 176 years in prison if convicted.
来自北卡罗来纳州的 22 岁乔纳·朱厄尔 (Jonah Jewell) 被指控在约克企图谋杀两人,如果罪名成立,他将面临最高 176 年的监禁。 22-year-old Jonah Jewell from North Carolina is accused of attempting to murder two people in York, and if convicted, he faces up to 176 years in prison. 朱维尔被指控犯有两项谋杀未遂罪、一项持有致命武器罪、一项入室盗窃罪和两项恐怖威胁罪。 Jewell is charged with two counts of attempted murder, one count of possession of a deadly weapon, one count of burglary, and two counts of terroristic threats. 入室盗窃和威胁的具体细节尚不清楚,逮捕证词尚未提交。 The exact details of the burglary and threats are unclear, and an arrest affidavit has not been filed.