囚犯詹姆斯·麦柯迪(James McCurdy)被判犯有针对加州男子殖民地一名女性精神病学技术人员的重罪刑事威胁罪。 Inmate James McCurdy found guilty of felony criminal threats against a female psychiatric technician at California Men's Colony.
James McCurdy,加州男子殖民地的一名囚犯,被判定犯有对一名在牢房中发现违禁品的女精神病技术员进行重罪性刑事威胁的罪行。 James McCurdy, an inmate at California Men's Colony, was found guilty of making felony criminal threats against a female psychiatric technician who discovered contraband in his cell. 2023年1月23日,McCurdy威胁说要杀死技术员,让她失明,使她担心自己的安全,并被重新分配到监狱的另一处。 In January 2023, McCurdy threatened to kill and blind the technician, causing her to fear for her safety and be reassigned to a different part of the prison. 由于此前有九起重罪定罪,McCurdy可能因先前的罪行而在州监狱被判6年徒刑。 With nine previous felony convictions, McCurdy faces a possible six-year sentence in state prison based on his prior offenses.